Any American who wants “change” and supports Barack Hussein Obama. We use “idiot” for a reason. Just because you don’t realize you’re an idiot, doesn’t mean that you’re not one. Before you liberals start trying to tell us about Bush, save your breath as he is NOT running. Another fact that “idiots” can’t seem to comprehend. McCain isn’t perfect and Sarah Palin is only hated by “jealous liberal idiots” and not for her record of reform. Here is more on our defination.
* People who want a candidate who isn’t a Washington insider, yet will question their experience as in Sarah Palin who actually has more executive experience than Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain combined. She also has more foreign policy experience than Barack Obama and HE is running for President! (Yes, just negotiating with Canada alone, beats Obama who has negotiated with ZERO countries.)= IDIOT
* Supporting a candidate who supports and represents a radical illegal organization that commits major voting fraud,” ACORN.” This cancels out knowlegable voters and legitimate voters who obey the law and play by the rules. We have ACORN employess on video telling how they were ordered to register AND ENCOURAGE voters to vote democrat. But Barack Obama doesn’t care, as long as he says and does anything to get elected and drive us into disaster for America. = IDIOT
* Supporting a candidate who claims to represent “hope and change” yet requested over 900 million dollars in earmarks for radical associates and convicted felons. This in only 2 years! Yes, this makes you an idiot and it isn’t just an opinion. Supporting a candidate who voted against warnings on the housing market and took the 2nd highest amount of campaign contributions from the very same organizations that drove us into a recession makes you an idiot. Supporting a candidate whose economic advisor is Franklin Raines, the man who ran Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into the ground while making 91 million dollars in 6 years, makes you an idiot.
* Supporting a candidate who attends one the most popular black liberation theology churches in America, makes you an idiot.(especially if you are white) Supporting a candidate that says he doesn’t want his daughters “punished” with kids, makes you an idiot. Supporting a candidate who constantly lies, flip flops on every issue,(depending who he is talking to) thinks there is 57 states, has sick views on abortion, votes present in senate (except for over 90 times when he was for tax increases) requested marxist professors in college and won’t release his college transcripts, makes you an idiot.
* Supporting a candidate who says “A white mans need, runs a world in greed” makes you an idiot. Especially if you are a white man.
* Supporting a candidate who earmarked millions for his so-called non-profit hospital, giving his wife a six figure raise and turning away poor people with no insurance, while terroizing them with collection agencies, makes you an idiot.
* Voting for Barack Obama because you think he is charasmatic, articulate, clean, handsome, fresh or because he is (half) black, makes you an idiot. Yes, it does.
* Supporting a candidate whose only experience is a community agitator (see “ACORN”) freshman senator who votes present because he can’t make a decision and jive talks his way through speeches with lies and no substance, makes you an idiot.
I can go on forever about the worse presidential candidate in the history of America. I can come up with about 100 more reasons this guy spells DISASTER FOR AMERICA. You think it’s bad now, you just wait if Barack Obama gets elected.
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